Friday, January 21, 2011

That's How We Role

This has been a doozy of a week. We have had multitudinous meltdowns, people. Bodies have flailed. Voices have wailed. And pitying glances have been cast in my general direction. Calls have been placed to Daddy with queries of "what do I do now? what are these people on?" Time Outs have been taken by mommy. Chocolate and caffeine have been consumed it large quantities.

But there have also been some real sweet times. We have a reward system set up for the kids so that when we catch them loving their neighbor, they get to climb up Big Hill. Getting to the top of Big Hill results in a treat. Boo made it to the top one morning. This distressed Snoo who views all such things as a competition. Boo comforted her by saying "Don't worry, Snoo. I will wait for you." Later when he had a treat for something else, he wanted to share it with Snoo so she wouldn't be upset. It melts a mommy's heart. And, tonight, all three kiddos were rolling on the floor together playing with fractions.

We have also had some decent school days. Part of my homeschooling strategy involves making school not seem like school. I believe this is so much easier with the younger grades. Though I have to admit, there is a part of me that desires to just sit down and force the Boo through workbook page after workbook page because that is measurable and gives me something to point to and say "yes, we did school and accomplished something".

Now I could write a whole post about how I could home school with just the iTouch, but let it suffice to say that technology has come up with some good stuff. As we drive every day to pick up Snoo from K-5, Boo does math cleverly disguised as pizza. He practices building sentences and answering questions with some awesome autism apps that I have found.

Then, today, I found a 3-d magnetic fraction set. Boo set out following the instructions on the box "1/2 + 1/4 +2/8 = 1 whole". He did that twice and then held up the shapes and declared "now I have two wholes". And his siblings are there as well, taking it all in. Oh, I am such a sneaky mommy.

So that's how it goes. There are ups and downs, and we role with it. Highly caffeinated, of course.

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